Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Steel Reserve 211 (Steel Brewing, Irwindale, CA)

Straw gold lager--malt liquor of 8.5%. So many meaningless brewing misnomers on the label to convince the quick buzz crowd that this is THE alcohol vehicle of choice. White bubbly head hangs tough in my plastic hotel room glass--desperate drinking conditions (11 pm in small town Iowa, so this was the best beer at the local Casey's) call for desperate measures. Best thing about the beer is the triple overtime win by Stanford on TV while drinking. Corn, sweet malt and diluted sugar in the nose with a slight tangy and metallic (hop?) spice in the nose. In the taste, more corn and apple and some bitterness (happily). When the alcohol kicks in, my slight shudder from the taste subsides and it becomes even (somewhat) enjoyable.  Ratings on BA might seem high, but it is one of the better malt liquors I've tasted from a limited range.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 11-02-2011 01:41:29

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